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A new TV series that follows the randomness of life...

City Cycle

Tell us your Story

Share with us a story of either how a random act of kindness was shown to you, or an act of love that you showed to someone else... let us share our inventive way to express love so that we may pass that love along to others... 


And who knows, your story just might make it into an eposide of Love Goes...  

As a lover of people and travel... Lindsey Kirkendall sets out to discover what it's like to travel the world looking for opportunities to love on people... the key word here is Opportunity...


How do we find those "Life Changing" opportunities? 


That Question is what makes this show different from all the other travelling shows. We allow the randomness of life to dictate where we go, who we see and how we can help... 


Each week begins with a random city selected by a blind touch to a map...after that... who knows? with a heart full of love and kindness at hand, every random conversation turns the page to a weeks adventure in an unknown town...

This is the experiment, Join Lindsey as she follows the randomness of life to wherever "LOVE GOES




Episode 1 

North Italy

Episode 2 

San Francisco

Episode 3 



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© 2016 Motion Poet Productions

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