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As two teams of five young adults run through

the shops of downtown Main Street, they will

engage in the game of “Bigger or Better”.

The Game where you start off with a simple object

and continue to ask random people  if they would

trade for a bigger or better object.


Those objects will then be researched as to their

value with a quick history behind it as well.


At the end of the race both teams will come

together presenting what they've ended

up with. The team whose object has the

highest value will be the winner.


In conclusion of every episode both objects will

be sold and the total proceeds will go to

help an unsuspecting person in need.

That person’s story we will learn

throughout the show.


This show will shine a light on Small Town USA and make known

those objects that were once forgotten,

all the while sharing love to those who need it most!



* We Are currently in production of our pilot episode...  

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© 2016 Motion Poet Productions

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